Key Sponsors
Foundations and Non-Profit Partners
The following organizations provide PASOs with the funding that has enabled the launch of new initiatives and the expansion of existing programs to previously-unserved communities. PASOs is grateful for the support of these organizations and wishes to acknowledge their incredible generosity.
The mission of the School is to expand, disseminate and apply the body of knowledge regarding prevention of disease, disability and environmental degradation; promotion of health and well-being in diverse populations; and provision of effective, efficient and equitable health services.

Our mission at the Arnold School of Public Health Center for Community Health Alignment (CCHA) is to use evidence-based models and meaningful engagement strategies to co-create solutions with community leaders that address health inequities.

The Greenwood Genetic Center is a nonprofit institute organized to provide clinical genetic services, diagnostic laboratory testing, educational programs and resources, and research in the field of medical genetics.

Able SC is an organization of people with disabilities leading the charge to:
- Equip people with disabilities with tools to foster pride and to direct their own lives;
- Educate the community to challenge stereotypes and eliminate barriers; and
- Advocate for access, equity, and inclusion at the individual, local, state, and national level

Promoting equity in opportunity and high academic achievement for all students through effective evidence/research-based family engagement.

In response to God’s call and in the spirit of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine, the Foundation strategically uses resources to reduce poverty through action, advocacy and leadership.

PASOs works with the South Carolina Department of Public Health (SC DPH) Bureau of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) to improve the health and well-being of women, adolescents, families, and those with special needs in SC through assessing health needs, assuring access to health services, and developing policies supportive of the mission. MCH programs include Newborn Screening, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention, Newborn Home Visits, and Family Planning Services.
PASOs also works with the SC DPH Division of Tobacco Prevention and Control to identify patterns of commercial tobacco use among Latinos in South Carolina, assess knowledge and beliefs about commercial tobacco use, and to explore meaningful communications and messaging that contribute to quit attempts utilizing available Spanish language cessation resources.

South Carolina First Steps is the state’s dedicated early childhood initiative focused on getting children ages birth through five ready for school and life success.