Local PASOs Affiliate Sites
PASOs Level of Service
Select a county from the dropdown below for more information on PASOs local affiliate sites in South Carolina. Counties highlighted in yellow denote full service. Counties highlighted in blue denote partial service. If you are in a blue county, please contact the PASOs site closest to you.

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Lowcountry (Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton)
PASOs in Beaufort and Jasper Counties began in 2009 through collaboration with the Together for Beaufort County-Adequacy of Prenatal Care Coalition and the March of Dimes. Now the program is located at and supported by the Beaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health Services, Inc.
PASOs in Low Country offers the following programs: Connections for Child Development (CCD) and PASOs Health Connections.
To find out more about these topics, contact:
- Patricia Urriola de Millan, Community Health Worker
purriola@BJHCHS.org | 843-987-7470 (office) 843-941-9573 (cell) - Solimar Abbott, Community Health Worker
solimar@beaufortfirststeps.com | 843-521-7386 - Karla Lozada, Community Health Worker
karla@beaufortfirststeps.com | 843-379-7937 (office) 843-812-9006 (cell) - Luz Colmenares, Community Health Worker
lcolmenares@bjhchs.org |843-226-1373
PASOs in Georgetown began in 2019 through a partnership with St. James-Santee Family Health Center at Georgetown Pediatrics.
PASOs in Georgetown offers:
PASOs Health Connections
To find out more about these topics or the programs PASOs offers contact:
- Yuribel Pedro, Community Health Worker
yuribel@scpasos.org | 843-325-1399
Horry County
PASOs Horry County began in March 2021 in collaboration with Horry County First Steps. Trained on early childhood development, Promotores in Horry County facilitate the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) to determine if a child under five years old is at risk for developmental delays and provide families with referrals to early intervention specialists for further assessment and supports, as needed. The Promotores also provide information and tools to parents about how to help children reach their developmental milestones, as well as early literacy and community resources so that young Latino children are well prepared for kindergarten. Promotores also connect local families with a variety of health and social services through the PASOs Health Connections Program.
To find out more about these topics, contact:
- Brittany Hernández, Community Health Worker Bhernandez.guerrero@hcfirststeps.org|843-902-1525
Charleston Tri-County Area (Berkeley, Dorchester, Charleston)
PASOs in Charleston, Dorchester and Berkeley counties began in 2010 through a partnership with the College of Nursing of the Medical University of South Carolina. The program is part of the Hispanic Health Initiative.
PASOs in Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties offers the following programs: Connections for Child Development (CCD) and PASOs Health Connections
To find out more about these topics or the programs PASOs offers contact:
- Gabriela Ruiz-Coss, Community Health Worker
ruizcoss@musc.edu |854-202-1211 - Haydee Melara, Community Health Worker
hmelara@charlestonfirststeps.org |843-259-9907
- Gabriela Ruiz-Coss, Community Health Worker
PASOs in Greenville began in 2009 through a partnership between the University of South Carolina and Prisma Health Upstate, formerly Greenville Health System (GHS). The Program Coordinator is strategically partnered with various departments within Prisma Health, including the OBGYN Center, the Center for Pediatric Medicine and the Accountable Communities Initiative.
PASOs in Greenville Area offer the following programs:
PASOs Health Connections
To find out more about these topics, contact:
- Sebastian Villacis, Community Health Worker
Sebastian.Villacis@prismahealth.org | 864-399-3797 (cell) | 864-522-5318 (office) - Josue Gonzales, Community Health Worker
Josue.Gonzalesbanegas@prismahealth.org | 864-237-5678 (office) - Faith Rosenberger, Community Health Worker
faith.rosenberger@prismahealth.org| 864-430-5238
The PASOs-Greenwood and Saluda site serves Greenwood and Saluda Counties. The PASOs-Greenwood and Saluda CHW primarily provides parents and children of 0-5 yrs. the Connections for Child Development program to strengthen our impact on child development and kindergarten readiness, as well as improve pediatric immunizations in the area. The CHW supports parents and caregivers of these children assess the developmental stage of the child by using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire -3 (ASQ-3) and the SE assessment tools to determine if a child under five years old is at risk for developmental delays and to provide families with referrals to early intervention specialists for further assessment. The Community Health Worker also provides education, information, and tools to parents about how to help children reach their developmental milestones, as well as shares information on the importance of early literacy, so that young Latino children are well prepared for kindergarten. The CHW also provides Latino individuals and families additional support addressing social determinants of health and access to care through our PASOs flagship program called PASOs Health Connections. Through the PASOs Health Connections program the CHW provides individuals and families additional education, information sharing, navigation and connection to resources to help meet social determinants of health and access to care needs of Latino communities in her coverage area.
PASOs Greenwood-Saluda offers the following programs:
PASOs Health Connections
PASOs Connections for Child Development
To find out more about these topics, contact:
Abigail Vences, CHW, Community Health Worker
Community Health Worker
avences@mailbox.sc.edu |803-451-1760
PASOs-Midlands (Richland, Lexington)
The PASOs-Midlands site, covering Richland and Lexington counties, was the original PASOs site that began in 2005 at Palmetto Health Richland Hospital with a community grant from the March of Dimes. It is now affiliated with the Arnold School of Public Health at USC and First Steps of Lexington County.
PASOs in Midlands offers the following programs: Connections for Child Development (CCD) and PASOs Health Connections
PASOs in Midlands offers the following programs: Connections for Child Development (CCD) and PASOs Health Connections
• Agner Muñoz Vázquez, CHW, Program Coordinator
agnerm@mailbox.sc.edu | 803-465-5987
• Lizbet Herranz, CHW, WIC Program State Coordinator
herranz@mailbox.sc.edu | 803-907-6748
• Luisa Hernandez, CHW, Community Health Worker
hernan57@mailbox.sc.edu | 803-605-4685
• Maria Perez, CHW, Community Health Worker
mperez@lex3.org | 803-361-8358